He was born in Rome, where he graduated in Corporate Law magna cum laude at Libera Università degli Studi Internazionali “LUISS Guido Carli”. He earned his PhD in Civil Law at Scuola Dottorale Internazionale “Tullio Ascarelli” - Università degli “Studi di Roma Tre”, basing his studies on Trust Deeds.
During his entire university career, he has been author and co-author of several papers and articles
He is co-founder of Consules, a no-profit association focused on international youth education that works closely with the main Italian university.
Alberto is member of Rome Bar Association; he is a Civil and Commercial Conciliator. He started his career at Verusio & Cosmelli, law firm with branches in Rome and Milan, focusing his work on national and international company contracts (such as oil, pharmaceutical, insurance, engineering, and movie companies) and foreigner government bodies, especially on Labour and Commercial Law matters.
In 2011, He has served as consultant for the proceedings of “Amministrazione Straordinaria” of the Alitalia bad companies (Alitalia Linee Aeree S.p.A.; Alitalia Servizi S.p.A.; Alitalia Airport S.p.A.; Alitalia Express. S.p.A.; Volare S.p.A.), where he was in charge of managing the bankruptcy clawback actions.
During the years, Alberto coordinated Studio Legale Gava activities in Rome, passing through a brief experience in BTMG professional network.
Nowadays he is Equity Partner of UTOPIA Affari legali & societari, with branches in Rome and Milan, working on judicial and non-judicial issues based on Labour, Trade Unions and Civil Law.

He loves smooth travelling and music, but his preferred hobby is cooking.

Alberto Gava
Equity Partner

Giampiero Zurlo
Founder, CEO & President of the Board